Monday, February 06, 2006

Just cause you feel it, doesn't mean its there..

English examination today. Easy as pie. But I felt the pressure to do well. Isn't it weird how the biggest motivators in our life, happen to be things we can't see, and only feel?

You can't see love.
You can't see stress.
You can't see God.
You can't see hatred.
You can't see fear.
You can't see sadness.

We as a society are pushed forth by entities that have never had to prove a physical existance to us. We're blinded by them really, acting in haste and repenting in leisure to the sweetest of things we know we should not do, or feel, or say.

We as the collective population of the earth, do everything because of what we feel. To quote Radiohead... "Just cause you feel it, doesn't mean its there...". Is this possibly true? Could we be imagining our feelings because generations before us have imagined them, and put the strain on us as the next group to?

If this is true, why do feelings, if gone unsolved, manifest themselves physically? If a feeling is that of the mind, than the mind is intrinsically intouch with the body, to let off alarm bells(such as physical sickness and strain) when something on an emotional level isn't dealt with. But the mind, is unseen. It cannot be physically located inside a human being. It is invisible also. I suppose Thom Yorke perhaps had it wrong then. Mind you, we'll never know, will we.

It is irony, in an Age of Entitlement, that the most important things the human race depends on are invisible, untouchable, unresearchable, and not for sale.

Until next time...

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