Wednesday, January 30, 2008

how i wish you were here, we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year

I always get this overwhelming feeling that I wasn't meant to be living in the era that I am.

Why is it that everything I love so much, that I hold such in high regard, is all so in the past?

I have my weird attachment/admiration for Trudeau. He's dead.
And there's William Butler Yeats, my absolute favourite poet. Dead too.
Jesus Christ, He was someone I wish I had of known in my lifetime[although spiritually I absolutely do know him, so I don't know if this is a fair example, but it furthers my argument.]
Annnd of course, the inspiration for writing this post:
I am absolutely for my entire lifetime in love with Pink Floyd. They are amazing, stunning, incredible, mind-blowing. I have never in my entire life been so musically fulfilled.

And they will likely NEVER tour again together. And even if they did, Roger Waters is old, and his voice is not what it once was. I saw his Dark Side of the Moon tour, and although a spiritual experience it truly was, he is old.

David Gilmour is still amazing live though, and he IS the by far the more talented of the two[you can see which side of the Pink Floyd "wall" I sit on.

Anyways, to end my tangent, I will never see them live. I will never get to experience it.

It's just another one of those things that was before me and not meant for me, I guess.

There just isn't that much out there that I take alot away from these days.
I am so dissatisfied.

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