Friday, December 14, 2007

and i know what i must do tomorrow

So I got my lip pierced.
To me, it symbolizes my transition from Highschool to University.
The whole new experience thing.
I have an entire life outside of my proverbial fishbowl.
Not only that, but this life is such a marked improvement.
Most of what I hated about things in Highschool no longer exists here.

Instead, i've learned a load of things to hate about university.

I truly thought(and with my idiotically idealogical mind, how could I not of) that University was this magical place of intellectual growth and coffee houses and professors who are passionate about their subjects and dedicated to filling our minds with worldly knowledge.

It's a mess. It's a big massive brainwashing machine. It's a beaurocracy. It's a corporation. It cares about my GPA and nothing else. I am a number, one of 24,000 to be exact.

The worst sting, though, I think comes from the fact that SFU when it opened, was this socialist-rioters haven, it was considered a dangerous lefty school with progressive profs and students who had zeal for something.

SFU still wants people to believe it exists in such a liberal fashion. It doesn't. It contracts it's cafeteria services out to Chartwells, an evil american cafeteria-service corporation. They serve overpriced extremely low quality food. SFU barely has recycling, as well as ZERO organic recycling. The workers in the Chartwell's facilities are inept. All of the cleaning staff who take care of Residence are immigrants, and I note this not because of them, but because it glaringly represents to me the inequality we still live with. The coloured folk are still cleaning up after the rich and disrespectful white schoolchildren.

Jesus Christ.
If indeed he does exist, would not appreciate what SFU is.
It's a hypocritical piece of shit, and although I am so, so grateful for the friends I have met, I am just as dissatisfied as I ever have been in terms of my place in society, as well as the institution I serve.

Such is life.
I have so much faith in everything, by default.
And everything is so fucked. By default.

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