Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Now i'm having trouble differentiating, Between what I want, And what I need, To make me happy.

Proclaimations to the important ones.

1. You and I go back a ways. We started out similarly, but things changed and we changed and now it seems like a struggle to keep our friendship afloat. You remind me of a time when things were different; I like that, I dislike that, I think, I need that. I understand how you once could have been critical of my decisions about my partying and such, now that I am in that position with someone else. I understand now that that's about worry, and not criticism and judgement. I love you, though, through it all. You know it.

2. You're a huge huge force in my life. I tell you alot, your comment back is always critical but the love is there. What you and I have isn't easily emulated, and I feel special that we have it. Your ratings and judgements don't bother me anymore, I know the truth. You have a huge huge amount of potential in your life, don't let bitterness bog you down. I love trying to shrink, shock and horrify you. I succeed sometimes. I love you alot, you know it, i'm vocal.

3. You and I have terribly fun times together. We can say something obscurely random and turn it into a massively hilarious joke that perhaps could last forever. Our plans are always excellent ones, usually crack-hatched and excellent. There are things I wish I could tell you, sometimes I feel limited, though. You have a talent, and potential, but you have to figure out what it is you want, and what it is you do not. Listen to U2's "Still haven't found what i'm looking for" It might help. Sometimes our relationship is unbalanced, which stresses me. It's a new thing, and i'm hoping with time it passes. I value our friendship immensely, and I know the love is mutual.

4. I absolutely adore you. Our thinking is very parralel. I basically tell you everything, you're levelheaded, never bogged down by huge amounts of emotion, or jealousy. You give me no stress, but a great forum for both of us to vent. I feel like I can tell you stuff, and it won't be judged, even jokingly. See: 3-3. There are things that have happened in your life, that when I think about tear me up, you never deserved any of it, but all I see now is a person i'd want to emulate myself. I see a bright future for you, i'm excited. You're together, don't worry about what you don't have, or haven't experienced yet; it will come to you with time. Mad Love.

5. You. With you.. I feel as if I have found, in the words of Anne of Green Gables, a kindred spirit. We have a strong relationship, I can see it lasting a long time, and it makes me happy. I really trust you, you're probably the fastest person I've ever trusted in since I can remember. We get along extremely well, I can half say what I mean and you totally get it. You have a bigger influence on my life than you probably realize, and lets keep that on the downlo. You are going to go big places, in my mind you're one of the enlightened. And to be enlightened is a powerful, powerful thing. You've become a close friend in such a short period of time, and for some reason that doesn't scare me[It usually would]. Platonic love for you for a long time to come.

6. You're a fabulous person. Probably one of the nicest, most genuine people I have ever met. I have so much respect for you, your intelligence and your persona. You're a friend I can really trust, and someone I have alot of good times with. I can see us being friends well into the future, and even through moving and everything, it's going to be all good. My only ever piece of advice for you, is that you're beautiful, inside and out, and if a guy doesn't know that, he doesn't deserve you. You don't need to search so far for gratification, it's within you. I love you to death.

7. You confuse me greatly. I like you, I know you're a good person, but there is something you're holding back. I don't trust you, maybe with secrets and confessions, but not with the feelings of others. I understand the complications of your past, but remember that there are good parts, and good people to life, and that it isn't about yourself, or pleasing others.

8. You're worrying me. The you I knew so well, from childhood until now, is different. Maybe it is a summer thing, but you're not acting like you. I understand your past hurts, and the liberation feeling, but there is a line and you're dancing on it. I don't mean to be critical, I love you, and I probably will not tell this to your face, but I think you have a problem. Or that you're running from other ones. Demons are hard to face, but everyone has to clean out their closet eventually, and I don't want you to have to be in rehab, or even with a bigger problem trying to figure it out. You have so much potential, you've worked towards so much. Don't waste it, please.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Rick's score 7/8 But
I believe i have changed.

<>< mantrain