Wednesday, February 28, 2007

To her, death is quite romantic, She wears an iron vest, Her profession's her religion, Her sin is her lifelessness

I got accepted into Simon Fraser. For whatever reason it came as a wonderful shock to me, however no one else was even mildly surprised, to my sadness. I wanted some sort of huge uproar of celebration I guess. Oh well, this weekend is my birthday party, which promises to be a messy, messy affair. Intimate though, 24 confirmed guests.

I am so, so excited to go to University. It's so new, exciting, foreign. Simon Fraser has a brilliant political science department, and I hope it will do me well. I have to get in touch with my Academic Advisor because I will need certain courses for Law School. Also exciting.

Higher-education promises to be more fulfilling than the bland public education i've recieved until now. Atleast I get to pick what i'd like to study!

Political Economy here I come!

I've gotten into a wicked disagreement with my Acting teacher. I was quite livid, and now i'm just going to be coldly indifferent. I can't STAND people who try to impress others with beliefs that a class is about reliability, dedication, real interest, and then wholly celebrate one member of such class even though he's demonstrated none of the aforementioned qualities. Whatever. How many more months until Simon Fraser?(And teachers who are really educated?)

I really will miss Lantzville though.

And with no trace of hesitation, she keeps falling head over heels, breaking her way, pushing her way through unknown jungles everyday. She's sixteen, if you know what I mean.

1 comment:

Queen of Hearts said...

you will love college it's so freeing,
happy belated birthday
