Saturday, January 27, 2007

Do you believe in what you see? There doesn't seem to be anyone who agrees with me.

Major life readjustments.
Things are good with aforementioned friend. Thankfully.
Applied to all my universities. Zero out of province schools.

I want to go to SFU really really badly. I have the grades. Wait and see time.

I'm generally a really happy person. But the whole business of a relationship really
not working out when I/He desperately wanted it to.. it's like an hour or two of drowning
in sorrow. You know what I mean? Just an hour or two. Then medicate, repeat cycle.

Maybe it's just my killer hangover and tendency for melodrama.


i've rearranged my priorities.
family is first. well equal to God i guess.
roman catholic church comes in last.
i am SO converting the moment I move away.
to something.. remotely Christian.
far away from the papacy and rome and the capitalist bullshit that chains me.
fuck capitalists.

ok i'm done with this random collection

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Help me if you can i'm feeling down, And I do appreciate you being round, Help me get my feet back on the ground, Won't you please please help me?

I hate unresolved issues. Granted, a part of this is my fault, but I cannnn't stand the stress of it now. If it were easy enough to drop it, I would, but I can't until it's dealt with!

A friend of mine in recent days.. November I believe, sortof turned into a much more.. aggressive drunk. She throws herself at guys, for whatever reason, weird because she could so easily get any man she wanted. There's issues there. Anyways, in my own drunken stupor I tried seperating her from some guy, it would have been a huge regret for her after, something she's admitted too. I was successful, BUT at a cost of her being angry with me drunk, AND sober. At a party a month ish later, she drunkenly apologized and said I was right... But i'm still annoyed by the situtation. Add fuel to the fire by a huge puke mess made by her, all over our friends stuff, and my house... she didn't clean any of it up, nor has she said ANYTHING about it since.

I get the embarassment, really I do, but she's supposed to be one of my best friends. She isn't acting like it.

I'm just frustrated about the whole affair.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

10 more reasons why I need somebody new: Just like you

Wow, i'm terribly dedicated to this blog.
Forgive me, life got in the way.

School is going really well, which is always good, and this month/next month i'll be putting in my applications for University. Which is scary. A part of me does NOT WANT TO LEAVE. Another part of me does. French Catholic Dirty Boys = Yes Please. But you know...

Political Science all the way ofcourse. Just don't know which school.

Work has been good, we got interesting new hires, and the oldies are good. One of my faves is leaving, which blows because I love the guy, but we do party outside of work, and it's not like he's dying or anything. I have already found a replacement for him work wise, but there are subtle differences. Like a surplus of attraction. HEH.

Christmas and New Years were enjoyable.
I slept most of today, enjoyable once again, and tomorrow i'll get my act together and do some socializing.

2006 was an incredible year for me... some of the best times I have ever had, some big mistakes, some excellent discoveries and ofcourse the same amazing friends to pull me on through it. I became a woman, though I will lie and tell you otherwise, and so this year, 2007, shall be documented as the first year of my adult life.

Which fucking blows.

ta ta!